Invest your advertising dollars in your community and reach the people most likely to frequent your business.

Locally Targeted Advertising

The Australian Magazine Group (AMG) offers independent businesses cost-effective, locally targeted advertising opportunities. We host a variety of affordable advertising formats available to local brick and mortar establishments, trades and professional services. 

Our advertising vision is to provide a platform to promote your products and services to the people most likely to frequent your establishment on an ongoing basis.

Our network of lifestyle magazines includes Adelaide, Brisbane, Melbourne, Perth, Sydney and Tasmania.

Change in shopping destinations A net increase in consumers visiting local shopping precincts is expected


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Billboard advertising

Our billboard ads figure prominently at the top of each article, community page and the top of the home page in your city and make a bold statement about your business in the community.

We limit the number of ad placements sold to ensure you get the appropriate exposure and maximize your return on investment.


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We strategically position your leaderboard advertising throughout the editorial pieces, topics, communities and city pages. Limited in number, this ad format provides an efficient way to consistently remind your clients and potential clients you’re ready to serve them.


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Square Ads

Square ads are a cost-effective way to increase your presence in your community. Purposefully placed within editorial pieces, non-competing business profiles and sidebars, specific to your community, you let our audience know you are an active participant in the community and just down the road.

Online business Profile

When you post a business profile in our magazine, you more intimately introduce yourself to your neighbours, interstate and international travellers, creating familiarity.

Highlighted prominently within your community, you are letting your potential customers know about your business, what kind of products and services you offer and what makes you different from the competition.

Knowledge and familiarity provide confidence. When potential customers are confident, they shop more frequently, buy more and quickly refer you to friends, colleagues and family.

We editorially present your business profile to engage our audience. We ensure all your pertinent contact information is readily available, including website and social media links, phone numbers and maps.

We promote your post throughout our social media channels daily, making sure you are top of mind to our expanding audience when they are in the market for your products and services.

AMG is offering to promote up to 500 local independent businesses at *no charge for up to four months.

*This offer is available during our incubation period ending August 31st, 2023. 


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Half Page Banner

Our half-page banners appear prominently on all city and community pages, editorial pieces and business profiles throughout your city online magazine.

Creative Services

Customer service is essential to us, and we want to ensure you are well taken care of and we are consistently providing value for your advertising dollar.

Many business owners employ marketing firms, graphic designers and website developers to help them with their marketing needs. Our local account managers are specifically trained to offer a seamless advertising experience.

They will answer any questions you might have and pass on any of your concerns or ideas specific to your community to us. When you purchase your advertising space, you will be asked to provide an Advertising rep ID.

You will receive a 3% discount on your advertising purchase when you give this information.

If you don’t have an account manager, send us a quick email and we’ll find one for you.

Although you are more than welcome to create your business profile in our magazine, some people find it challenging to write about their businesses.

We encourage you to optimize the talented local writers who create the editorial content within the magazine. On your behalf, we have negotiated a flat fee with our writers to write your business profile in an editorial style adapted to the magazine and urge you to put their talents to use for any marketing needs beyond the magazine.

If you need an online advertisement designed for your business, we can help. We have pre-negotiated flat standard design rates for advertisements used within our magazine with many graphic designers.

We encourage you to continue to work with them, over and above your advertising needs in our lifestyles magazines. You will find a list of designers at your disposal on our resources page.

As with writing your business profile, you are welcome to provide images for your business profile or advertisement. Our resource page provides a list of photographers who have agreed to provide a business profile image at a predetermined base price.

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